Platinum $5,000.00 per year
Benefits of Platinum Sponsor:
- Logo on the corporate sponsor board at every meeting along with the meeting sponsor board.
- Logo on the back of every Wildcatter and the bottom of every membership email.
- Receive four meeting/dinner passes for each meeting for one year.
- Receive one free Full Page advertising ad in the Wildcatter per year
- Receive free Half Page ad in the Wildcatter per year.
Gold $2,500.00 per year
Benefits of Gold Sponsor:
- Logo on the corporate sponsor board at every meeting.
- Logo on the back of every Wildcatter and the bottom of every membership email.
- Receive one free Half Page advertising ad in the Wildcatter per year.
- Receive three meeting/dinner passes for each meeting for one year
Silver $1,500.00 per year
Benefits of Silver Sponsor
- Logo on the corporate sponsor board at meetings.
- Logo on the back of every Wildcatter and the bottom of every membership email.
- Receive one free Half Page advertising ad in the Wildcatter per year.
- Receive two dinner/meeting passes for each meeting for one year
Bronze $750.00 per year
Benefits of Bronze Sponsor
- Logo on the corporate sponsor board at meetings.
- Logo on the back of every Wildcatter
- One dinner/meeting pass for each meeting for one year
Advertising in The Wildcatter
Full page ad $500.00 per month
- Half page ad $250.00 per month
Dinner Meeting Sponsorship
Cost $250.00 per meeting
- Companies will receive advertising at the dinner meeting as well as your logo displayed on our website for the month of the meeting you sponsor.
To secure a corporate sponsorship, advertise in the Wildcatter, or if you have any questions please contact
Abby Veigel. Please contact
Harry Heinbaugh for dinner meeting sponsorships.
Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors: